Internet Marketing Is Hard - Which Strategy To Earn Via Affiliate Programs Suits Your Circumstances?

It was a number of years ago when I first considered the Internet as a means to make money online. Unfortunately I was not in the right frame of mind or in a realistic position to make a success of an online business. I did invest in a course which talked about pay per click and AdWords which I tried to do but I simply didn't have the motivation to persevere and was working in a Corporate Management position which was a mental drain if I am honest.

Fast forward 7 years and I am now in a completely different place and the time is right. I have spent the past year learning the right way to do things online and that together with my business background seems to have brought all of the pieces together. My daughter has started nursery allowing me time to do this properly and I am not in any rush. Rome wasn't built in a day and likewise a solid business takes time to build and grow. If you consider Internet Marketing as a way to get rich quick you will very likely become disappointed and give up.

In addition you need to choose a strategy that suits your circumstances. If you are working full time but have money to spare you can look at a business plan where you outsource some of your tasks, perhaps a pay per click campaign in a high demand niche, such as health. I am somebody who after being in a well paid job is now a self employed single mum so for me it has been very difficult to balance time and money. What I have learnt is that you must just do something every day.

There are so many aspects of internet marketing that need to be learnt, it is a minefield and if you miss one part you are likely to fail. You need to understand what you are doing, have a clear goal in mind and stick to it. I am going to cover a couple of strategies and describe the circumstances that may suit each.

Affiliate Marketing.

If we talk about Affiliate Marketing we are straight away getting into a mixing pot of potential failures unfortunately. Yes, the principal is easy, you advertise on behalf of a product or service and get paid a commission for the sale. In reality there are many people trying to do the same, the competition is huge and the method you use to get traffic is a strategy in itself.

Pay per click.

I personally do not use PPC at the moment as I just don't have the funds to do so. If you are someone with capital to invest this may be a strategy for you however it is not as simple as just paying and making sales. You also need to be able to write good ads that will make people want to click through. Getting into the mind of the buyer is an interesting topic that I have studied but is too detailed to cover in this article.


This is the method that I favour currently as I have learned how to properly research keywords, utilise exact match domains and get free traffic. This method is good if you have time to invest and can be done for little capital investment. It is an Internet Marketing Strategy that I think often gets put into the too hard basket but it is actually not too difficult if you learn properly. It also is the best way to get a sustainable traffic source as once the hard work is done you are likely to remain high in the search engine rankings.

These are just two ways you can work and earn from affiliate programs but there are strategies within strategies so if you are considering buying any kind of training package you should beware of get rich quick and autopilot offerings. It doesn't work like that.

If you are interested in getting further information you can visit my website where I aim to provide useful resources to those wishing to learn how to make money online through Affiliate Programs the right way.

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